
Raasul Hudood Saheb DM in the USA

By the Grace of Allaah Ta’aala and the Ba-Barakat Du’aa of Huzoor e ‘Aali TUS, on the day of Shahaadat of Maulaatona Faatemah az-Zahraa SA in the month of Jumaadi ul Awwal, NDT Ra’s ul Hudood Dr Zulqarnain Hakeemuddin DM got the Visa in Mumbai. It was the day when Saiyedna Saheb TUS foretold that insha-Allaah you will visit USA soon. Time passed swiftly and his Du’aa saw the light of the day when Ra’s ul Hudood saheb embarked on a family visit to the USA but undoubtedly the visit was graced by the Razaa Mubaarak of Huzoor e ‘Aali TUS to undertake and complete the Ruhaani Umoor (Spiritual Obligations) of the selected Mumineen settled in the USA.

It was for the first time in Alavi history that on 27th April 2024 – 19th Shawwal ul Mukarram 1445, Saturday; Ahd e Imaam uz Zamaan – Misaaq was held on the soil of the USA in the name of 21st Faatemi Imaam Maulaana Taiyeb SA and his Naa’ib 45th Da’i al-Alavi al-Faatemi Saiyedna Haatim Zakiyuddin Saheb TUS in Denver. It was a historic and memorable day for the Durgawala family settled in Denver for the past 2 decades to witness the Ahd e Imaam uz Zamaan at their home in the presence of Saheb e Da’wat.

The silsilah and chain of Barakaat and Blessings continued when all Alavi Mumineen settled in Houston, Texas gathered at a hall on 5th May 2024 – 27th Shawwal ul Mukarram 1445, Sunday. The gathering was organized by the benevolent Mu’min – Mehboobali Udawala. The Majlis started with the recitation of Bayt followed by the Zikr e Ahl ul Bayt SA and Bayaan of Ra’s ul Hudood saheb. Lunch was organized by the same family. 4 Ahd e Imaam uz Zamaan SA were taken in the same Majlis. All Mumineen got a golden opportunity of Imaamat Namaaz of Zohr and Asr. It was first such gathering of all Mumineen in Houston.  During this get together of the Houston Mumineen they requested an individual visit to their houses. Ra’s ul Hudood saheb arranged a second visit to Houston and went to the houses of Mumineen and held Majlis. 

Majlis of Ahd e Imaam uz Zamaan SA was also held in the New York on 11th May 2024 – 4th Zul Qadah 1445 Saturday at Lalawala family residence who are very close to Da’wat e Hadiyah since years. During a week-long visit to New York, Saheb e Da’wat went to houses of the Mumineen residing in different locations in and around the New York.  Alavi Mumineen of the USA esp. the east coast have decided to plan a visit of Huzoor e ‘Aali TUS to the USA in the future because looking at the present scenario of the Mumineen esp. students settling down in different countries for education; it is the need to time to tie them to our roots and preserve our culture and deeni principles-values.


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