
Bani Israel - Story 7

A man from Bani Israel lived with his wife and mother.  He used to serve his mother wholeheartedly, but his wife had a bad temper and quarrelled with her mother-in-law over small matters.  A little distance from this man's house was the house of his mother in law. His wife used to go her mother’s home daily. Wife of the man was so dominating that whatever he used to bring for his mother; he was compelled to bring the same thing for his mother in law. One day the man forgot to bring a thing for his mother in law. When his wife came to know about it she said to him that, from now onwards I will not obey you unless you leave your mother in a desolate place in the forest where there are wild animals nearby.

The man was helpless and couldn’t even utter a single word against her and he left his mother in the dense forest. When the man turned away from his mother in the forest; she wailed “O my son you have lost me today”. As night fell, the horrifying cries of wild animals and beasts started coming.  Allaah Ta’aala sent an angel to the old woman at that time. The Angel asked “O poor and weak woman! What are these noises you are hearing around you?” She replied very calmly and confidently “everything is good here and the noises are of Camels heading towards their home; and there is nothing to worry about it”.  The Angel showered the blessings of Allaah Ta’aala on her and said, ‘O woman! If you really want good in this solitude and fear, then surely you will find good’.

After that, the Angel went and brought 100 Sheep (ewes) and one Ram by the Command of Allaah Ta’aala for the woman as a gift. The Old woman started prostrating to Allaah Ta’aala in gratitude. She slept peacefully for the whole night among the sheep. As the dawn broke the man’s wicked wife was very happy because she got complete freedom and now she could bring her mother in her house and could stay with them permanently. She could now live life of her choice and will.

She ordered her husband to go to the forest and inquire about the whereabouts of his mother. Very disturbed and worried, he went to the forest and started thinking that how he would be able to see the torn body of his mother! Keeping strong heart he started looking for his mother. He was amazed to see that his mother was completely safe among the sheep.  The man started saying to himself that, I left my mother alone last night, so where did all these animals come from?  Ask the man, O mother!  How are you now?  Mother said that these animals have been gifted to me by Allaah Ta’aala “Verily, Allaah gives provision to whom He wills without measure”. Listening to her mother the man cried a lot and was saddened by his act. He took his mother in his arms and brought her back to the home with the sheep.

Seeing her mother-in-law safe with her husband, the wicked woman started shouting loudly, who cares for these animals?  How did your mother survive?  The man replied ‘Allah has given this gift to my mother’. His wife felt greedy after seeing hundreds of sheep her mother in law got without any effort after going to the forest! She commanded her husband "Now you put my mother in the forest, at the same place you left your mother." She added “If you don't do this right now, I will leave your house”. She started swearing by Allaah repeatedly. Looking at her drama, finally, the man left his mother-in-law at the same place in the forest where he had left his mother.

When the night came and the scary sounds of wild animals started echoing in the forest, the woman started screaming loudly and started running around for help.  Allah sent the same angel to that man's mother-in-law in the forest. The Angel asked, ‘O woman! Whose noises are coming around you?’ “Right now are you anxious or fearless?” The woman sighed “Into what trouble have I fallen; I fear of becoming prey of the wild animals!” The Angel said, “let you be in a situation you like; and now you will see the things which you are thinking of”. You will get what you say; and you deserve the same.

The Angel went away and wild animals like lions, cheetahs, wolves appeared near her and tore down the woman in no time. As the dawn broke, the wicked wife woke up and asked her husband to go quickly and bring her mother from the forest along with the sheep. She instructed to keep her mother’s sheep separate from her in laws sheep. The man went to the forest but did not find his mother-in-law but he found animals.

The man returned home his mother-in-law's bones and eaten head and kept it near his wife. She was shocked seeing her torn mother and started muttering, what am I seeing? The man said that in the forest there are torn clothes of your mother here are the remaining bones of her body.  The greedy wife went into deep shock for deliberately pushing her mother in the mouth of death. She died within three days and before dying she said, "If you think bad for others; you will suffer more badly than them”.

Rasoolullaah SAWS says, “Speak good things so that you will benefit; and keep yourself away from speaking evil so that you stay protected”. If speaking is like Silver then silence is like Gold. Bad speech is the gate of all evils. The cause of bitterness in the world is foul language. Haughtiness began by Tongue.

Quran - يَـٰٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟ ٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَقُولُوا۟ قَوْلًا سَدِيدًا

O you who believe, fear Allaah and speak a word right

Your thoughts invariably turns into your actions – sooner or later. Hence keep your thoughts good and correct and have Faith in Allaah. Also never think bad for others. Never dig a ditch for others because at the end only you will suffer by falling in the ditch dig by you.

Translated from the Gujarati version of the book Ahaades e Bani IsraelMoral - 

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