
Saiyedna 'Ali Shaheed e Kareem Urs Ahmedabad 1445 AH

Facts are facts and its importance never fades, decreases or forgotten by the passage of time or by the people who tries to hides it or fabricates it.  Historical events and facts related to spiritual personalities to whom small group of people are aligned and devoted are often targeted and misinterpreted by the people of majority to dress up their falsehood by the robes of misinformation.  Slowly this misinformation is propagated from generation to generation and they are made to believe in the things that had never happened in history.  For hundreds of years we, the micro-minority have become the prime victim of this dangerous whirlpool of enmity and misinformation by our opponents who happens to be many times higher in number than us. 

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS said in his bayaan e aali that, "Number of people never matters in our Deen of Ahl ul Bayt AS.  Our Mazhab is based on Quality of Truth and not on Quantity of Falsehood. True followers of Ahl ul Bayt AS will always be in small numbers." Citing some of the examples of Islamic history Maulaa said that, "Rasoolallah SAWS appointed his grandsons M. Hasan and M. Husain on the darajah of Imaamat in the presence of his father M. Ali who was already on the darajah of Wasaayat.  Likewise 11th Imaam M. Mahdi appointed M. Mo'iz as 14th Imaam when 12th Imaam M. Qaa'im and 13th Imaam M. Mansoor were both present in that very majlis.  Likewise 28th Da'i Saiyedna Shaikh Aadam Safiyuddin saheb appointed his son Saiyedna Taiyeb Zakiyuddin saheb as 30th Da'i in presence of 29th Da'i Saiyedna Ali saheb."

It is too important to take into account the Imaamat of our 7th Imaam M. Mohammad, the son of the 6th Imaam M. Isma'il.  As per our core principles the propagation of Imaamat never goes backward but it advances from father to his able son.  Also, till the Day of Qeyaamat, Imaamat will never take place between two brothers except M. Hasan and M. Husain.  5th Imaam M. Ja'far as-Saadiq did Nass on his grandson M. Mohammad when his father M. Isma'il passed away.  as-Saadiq appointed his another son Musaa as hijaab (veil) of M. Mohammad as enemies were restless in search of the rightful Imaam of Aal e Faatemah.  Likewise Nabi Musaa Kalimullaah appointed the son of M. Haroon as his successor when M. Haroon died during the Nubuwat of Nabi Musaa.

Aqaa Maulaa Saiyedna saheb TUS explained the word "Salaam” that bears a great importance as per our Taiyebi principles.  "Salaam" is the beautiful attribute of Allaah Ta'aala and His Wali on this earth.  Every Nabi, Wasi, Imaam or his representatives Du'aat carries the attribute of Salaam with them.  The name of M. Ali AS is Daar us Salaam, means the House of Peace and that is Jannat-paradise.  Allaah Ta'aala orders His wali to call people towards Daar us Salaam.  All the Imaams of Aal e Ali are the owners of Daar us Salaam. The Da'wat-divine call in which we believe is the Da'wat of this Daar us Salaam."

Braving harsh and hot weather, many mumineen from Vadodara took part in the majaalis of 399th Urs e Maymoon of 29th Da'i e Mutlaq Saiyedna Ali Shamsuddin saheb AQ held at Haatemi masjid.  Rawzah mubaarakah of Muqaddas Maulaa became alive with the Du'aa of Aqaa Maulaa TUS and the recitation of Bayt mubaarak "Yaa Saiyedna Ali Shaheed Kareem" at his qabr e anwar.


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