
Bani Israel - Story 2

There was a pious old man in Bani Israel who purpose of Life was only Remembrance of Allaah. He fasted during the day and spent nights in Worshipping. He broke his fasts on simple food like barley beans. He considered his routine as an expression of Devotion and Submission to Allaah. He was least interested in the Worldly affairs. But his way of Worship and Abstinence made him famous as a “Unique and Devoted Worshipper” of his time. As the news spread in and around his locality, the King showed interest in meeting him. The King was deeply moved by his Devotion. He planned to visit the man.

The King’s intention was to beseech the old man to pray for him to Allaah to ease his death and grant him Paradise in the Hereafter. The King added “pious and religious men like him are rarely found whose prayers are heard by the Almighty”. “Meeting him is the only way to get my wish answered”

When the pious man came to know about the King’s visit he started extraordinary preparations for the visit. He arranged for variety of delicious food items for the King. He bought fresh pomegranates for the King. He decorated his house. When the King arrived at his place to meet him he was surprised seeing all extravagant decoration and food items arranged for him. The pious man offered and served his best to the King. Instead of creating a good image of the pious man on the King’s mind, his hospitality led the King to doubt about the Devotion of the man. He thought how could a God Fearing man lead such a luxurious life eating delicious food? He was shocked and left his house in disappointment and anger.

The pious man distributed the unattended food among the poor and began his previous daily routine without any sign of repentance or sorrow. After few days, a man asked about his typical behaviour with the King. The pious man satisfactorily replied “the King has higher expectations from me because of my devotion and faith”. He would have frequently visited me because of it. He would have called me to the Palace. He would have forced me to obey his commands. All these things would have definitely taken me away from my Worship, Devotion and Abstinence. I didn’t like to befriend him accompany him in the prayers. Unknowingly I would have been dragged into Worldly affairs. How could I sacrifice my Worship for sake of such things? He is a King; a Ruler; and has his own way to reach goals. Purity and Conviction cannot be attained in this way. I submit to Allaah by prostrating as His Servant. My way and his way of submission to Allaah are totally different.

Saiyedna Badruddin Hasan bin S Wali RA – 31st Da’i e Mutlaq who spent 17 years in the underground cistern in Ahmedabad led a simple, pious and devoted life. He was forced to lead a veiled and secretive life because of the enemies. Yet even in the challenging odds of his period the governors and political figures used to visit him in secrecy. They knew about the depth of his knowledge, truthfulness and perseverance. They conveyed the message of Saiyedna to the authorities in Delhi about the persecution and torture through which we were able to avenge the Shahaadat of Saiyedna ‘Ali Shaheed Kareem RA. The enemy was assassinated at Teen Darwaza in Ahmedabad. Saiyedna Badruddin Saheb RA spent 43 yrs of his life serving in the Cause of Allaah and Truth.

Quranic Verse - ٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّخَذُوا۟ دِينَهُمْ لَهْوًا وَلَعِبًا وَغَرَّتْهُمُ ٱلْحَيَوٰةُ ٱلدُّنْيَا فَٱلْيَوْمَ نَنسَىٰهُمْ كَمَا نَسُوا۟ لِقَآءَ يَوْمِهِمْ هَـٰذَا وَمَا كَانُوا۟ بِـَٔايَـٰتِنَا يَجْحَدُونَ

"Those who took their religion (as) an amusement and play and deluded them the life (of) the world So today We forget them as they forgot (the) meeting (of) their day this and [what] (as) they used to with Our Verses they reject" (7:51)

Moral – Life of World – its Luxuries, Comfort, Opulence and Riches is a deception. Religiousness is a Truth and will earn you an Eternal Reward. You will be tested in this World in various ways and will be tempted to leave the path of Religion. Remain steadfast to the Right path of Religion and ignore the Worldly deceptions.


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