
Bani Israel - Story 4

In every community there are both Good and Virtuous people as well as Bad and Wicked people. This was indeed a scenario in the Banu Israel – Children of Israel. There was a group of 10 wicked people. They gathered in a locality where immodesty, adultery and alcoholism were rampant. They could go to any extent to create scandals and unrest. They used various tricks and plays to harass and misbehave with women. They didn’t spare even others. Allaah sent an inspiration of repentance in the heart of one of them and he began to repent his bad deeds. He started weeping out of repentance and began to reproach himself. He soiled his face with mud and burned all belongings he got deceitfully and fraudulently. He didn’t disclose anything to his companions and left them. He went to a desolate place in the forest and stayed there for days and nights.

After a few days he met a group of worshipers who came to know about the truth of this man. They took pity on him and included him in their group. That man built a hut and engrossed himself in the worship of God. During the day he used to fast and at dusk he broke his fast on 21 olives. Days passed and people started talking about his devoutness and worship in the nearby villages. People used to visit him for seeking guidance and knowledge.

His wicked companions were in search of him. Those 9 people came to know that this worshiper was none other than a member of their group, so they fell behind him to defame him and take revenge. In the village where they were indulged in adultery, they hatched a plan against their worshipper companion. They lured a wicked woman in their plan. They offered her 50 dirhams and convinced her to spend a night either by hook or by crook in the hut of so and so man. They said “We all will come with well-known people of the village in the morning”. We would enter in the hut on the pretext to meeting the man. “The moment we enter in the hut you should come to us exhibiting nudity” added the wicked people. Then we will ask you the purpose of coming to the hut of the worshipper to which you will reply “I come here daily and spend night with him and he fulfils my all desires and I am pregnant at present will deliver his child after few days”.

The wicked woman succeeded in entering the hut of worshipper. Initially she sat at the corner of the hut. As night fell, she wailed “O worshipper don’t you have mercy on me”? “I am shivering of cold and I am stomach is paining too”. Light a fire for me and give me an oil massage on my stomach. He called the worshipper near her and put her head in the lap of worshipper. She went on doing wicked things but the worshipper kept himself away from the adultery.

When the dawn broke, those 9 wicked companions along with the four respected men of the village rushed to the hut of the worshipper for whom the woman was waiting. Worshipper was preparing chapatti for the woman. The men asked the woman “what are you doing here?” The woman told everything she was taught. She gave false testimony against the worshipper and accused him of adultery and fornication.

They all went to the judge of the village. They false fully took oath and presented false witnesses and accused the worshipper of a crime he never committed. The judge ordered the hut to be set on fire and the worshipper to be lashed 100 times and imprison him in a dark cell.

Allah informed the Prophet of that time and said that the Judge be informed about the fact that the worshipper is completely innocent; hence he should be released and his hut should be rebuilt. If there is any fault in this, Allaah will overturn the land and destroy the village and the entire locality. At the behest of the Prophet, the judge gave the order to kill the 9 wicked companions. He himself burnt the wicked woman alive. Worshipper’s hut was rebuilt. He was released from the prison and he returned to the path of worshipping as he did before.

Then judge questioned the Prophet, “If the worshipper was completely innocent, yet why such a calamity befell him? Allaah revealed to the Prophet that the worshipper had a sin left; and Allaah wanted to cleanse him from that sin, in such a way that he would receive the punishment of all his sins in this world. On the Day of Judgement when he would come before Allaah, he would be in such a state as if he had not committed any crime. Swear by the Honour and Glory of Allaah, He doesn’t let any believer pass away from this world, but in such a condition that he has borne the punishment of all his crimes. This punishment, to a believer, comes as trouble for him, comes as a sorrow, comes as an illness, comes as a hardship or poverty or comes as deceitfulness of the people. For a Mu'min, every calamity is either atonement for sins or a way to enter the reward."

Allaah says in the Qur’an – “And whatever befalls you of the misfortune is because of what you have earned your hands but Allaah pardons from much” 42:30

Quranic Verseوَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُم بِشَىْءٍ مِّنَ ٱلْخَوْفِ وَٱلْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ ٱلْأَمْوَٰلِ وَٱلْأَنفُسِ وَٱلثَّمَرَٰتِ وَبَشِّرِ ٱلصَّـٰبِرِينَ

“And surely We will test you with something of the fear, and the hunger, and the loss of the wealth, and the lives, and the fruits; but give good news to the patient ones” 2:155

Moral – Any adversity or calamity or trail or test in our lives is a part of great Wisdom of Allaah. We don’t know why have we suffered? What is the reason behind it? In all such instances there are 3 interpretations – our sins in the previous times; test by Allaah and the return reaction to what we did to others in the previous times. Hence it is recommended for a Mumine to keep quiet and exercise patience in all such circumstances without doubting the Divine Decree of Allaah.

Translated from the Gujarati version of Kitaab of Bani Israel Stories

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